yesmovies Back to the Future [1985] Streaming Mobile Site

casts - Michael J. Fox
Genre - Adventure
Scores - 960168 Vote
year - 1985





The best film ever made.
I really cannot convey how much I love Back to the Future. I was born in 1976 so was the perfect age for when this was released at the Cinema. I spent my pocket money on "Back to the Future everything" sticker book, poster, pencil case for school, skateboard, you name it! I think I saw it about 5 times at my local Cinema, and then at least another 5 on VHS when it was released. I literally bugged the guy at the Video store not to sell it to anyone else when he was done with renting it out. I saved up and bought the ex-rental video from him when he got a new copy and watched it pretty much constantly!
Everything about BttF is perfect. The story, the cast, the score, the locations, the De Lorean! BttF is a pure time-capsule (no pun intended) that whisks me back to being 9 years old again.
Michael J Fox is wonderful as Marty in his break-out movie role, and I cannot imagine anyone else playing the role of Doc Brown with the perfection that Christopher Lloyd did. The rest of the cast are also extremely strong, everyone brings their game here to make the best film possible, and it shows.
Both Bob's (Zemeckis and Gale) created absolute magic and captured it on film, there will literally never be another one like this. I know Bob Zemeckis was awarded the best director Oscar for Forrest Gump, but for me, Back to the Future will always be his crowning achievement. Alan Silvestri and Huey Lewis and the News added the cherry to the top of this wonderful cake with their fantastic score and music contributions! We also cannot forget Steven Spielberg, without him, Back to the Future may never have been made.
If you are any kind of movie fan then BttF is a must. The fun and downright excellence of this film just shines through in every scene, it is infectious. You can tell that everyone had a great time making it!
BttF also has the best cliff-hanger third act of any film I have ever seen! I still sit on the edge of my seat even now, and I must have seen it 50 times (Will Marty and Doc's plan succeed. br> I showed it to my 7 year old son last weekend, and whilst he did not understand all of it, he loved watching it. There is a reason why Back to the Future became wildly popular, has stood the test of time, and is loved by different generations all around the world. The reason is because it takes the viewer through every emotion that a great film should, one moment you are basking in the cool of it all, the next you are laughing, the next you are on the edge of your seat. That, is visual storytelling at it's best!
Extra bonus points must be awarded for making the Time Machine a DeLorean, this was an inspired and genius idea. The design of the Time Machine is second to none, it looks exactly like you would think a Time Machine should, and is, by my reckoning, the coolest car in cinema history. Pulling a car with such a troubled history from relative obscurity, and turning it into one of the most recognizable in the world was a master-stroke.
I think being there in 1985 the first time around gives me a particularly special relationship with Back to the Future, but everyone should see it at least once, as I said, I think it is the best film ever made, and the collective work is the best trilogy ever made!
Thank you to everyone who came together to make the Back to the Future trilogy happen. You gave us something really incredible, unique, and timeless.



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